If you are interested in exploring lost places, you will eventually come across the so-called "Lost Place Code". This code is an unwritten set of rules for urban explorers (Urban Explorers) that aims to ensure that exploring abandoned buildings is safe and respectful of the place and its history.
The code includes various points that urban explorers should follow. These include the following rules:
1.) Respect for the place and its history: Abandoned buildings are often witnesses of past times and have their own story. Urban explorers should respect this story and not damage or alter the place.
2.) No vandalism: Urban explorers should not remove or damage objects or furnishings. Breaking windows or forcing doors open is also forbidden.
3.) No graffiti or other vandalism: Urban explorers should not leave graffiti or other marks, whether on the walls, floors, or ceilings.
4.) No fires or smoke: Lighting fires or smoking in abandoned buildings is strictly prohibited. The risk of fires and explosions is high.
5.) Never explore alone: Urban explorers should never explore alone but always in pairs or groups. This ensures that help can be summoned in case of emergencies.
These rules are designed to ensure that exploring abandoned buildings is safe and respectful of the place and its history. By following these rules, the exploration of lost places can become an unforgettable and fascinating experience.
However, it is important to note that entering abandoned buildings is inherently dangerous and requires proper preparation and caution. Even if the Lost Place Code is followed, there is always a risk. Therefore, one should never act recklessly and always be aware that exploring is done at one’s own risk.
Overall, the Lost Place Code is an important foundation for exploring abandoned buildings. Those who follow the rules and respect the place can fully enjoy the adventure of urban exploration.
An important additional point related to the Lost Place Code is the bat protection period. This period is a time when special attention is paid to the protection of bats. It usually begins in October and ends in March.
During this time, many bats can be found in abandoned buildings, using them as wintering quarters. Entering such buildings can disturb their hibernation. A disturbance can cause them to deplete their energy reserves, leading to starvation or freezing to death.
Therefore, urban explorers should be especially careful during the bat protection period and prioritize the protection of bats. Entering buildings where bats are present should be avoided. If one does enter, it is crucial to remain quiet and avoid disturbing the bats.
In some regions, entering abandoned buildings during the bat protection period is completely prohibited. It is therefore important to inform oneself about local regulations and adhere to them.
By respecting the bat protection period, one can contribute to the protection of bats and the preservation of their wintering quarters. This ensures that urban explorers can continue to discover and explore the fascinating world of abandoned buildings in the future.